Writesteps to Present Common Core Writing Strategies at Conference of Michigan Reading Association

Ann Arbor, MI  (PRBuzz.com) March 7, 2012 — Denise Dusseau, a WriteSteps Curriculum Creator, will present success strategies for a Common Core writing workshop to teachers attending the annual conference of the Michigan Reading Association in Grand Rapids this month. WriteSteps is an innovative K-5 writing program that provides a teacher-friendly approach to instilling the writing and grammar skills outlined in the Common Core Standards.

On Sunday, March 11 at 1:15 p.m., Dusseau will lead teachers in an exploration of engaging and effective ways to build a strong writer’s workshop through the use of real models, planning tools, and student conferencing. Participants will receive strategies and techniques they can use right away in their classrooms. Dusseau, also a third grade teacher and K-5 writing coach, holds a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from St. Mary’s University. She was named teacher of the year in 2011.

The theme of the 2012 conference is “Literacy in an Age of Rigor, Relevance, and Reform.” It provides an array of professional development opportunities with sessions that feature well-known educators and authors, including Barry Lane and Ruth Culham, addressing K-12 reading and writing, technology, literacy assessment, instructional leadership, interventions, and legislative updates. Events will be held at the DeVos Place Convention Center in Grand Rapids, March 11-14.

A pre-conference on “Research-to-Practice” approaches will be held March 9-11 in the same location, featuring literacy expert Mike Schmoker, who will give a keynote address entitled “Changing Practice, Changing Results.”

Brett Gillin, Communications Specialist
[email protected]
Phone: 1-866-889-3729
