
Video Testimonials Written Testimonials References



2nd Grade Teacher

Student Teacher

5th Grade Teacher


4th & 5th Grade Teacher

Instructional Coach


2nd Grader

2nd Grader

1st Grader

2nd Grader


3rd Grader

5th Grader

3rd Grader

3rd Grader

4th Grader


1st Grader

1st Grader

5th Grader

4th Grader

3rd Grader

3rd Grader

“When I received the WriteSteps program, I was really excited. I had the feeling I was connected to the person who put this program together, because it felt like a teacher talking to me.”
~Elizabeth Williams, 3rd grade teacher (Michigan)

“At Redding STEM Academy, we have truly enjoyed using WriteSteps Writing as our main writing program. WriteSteps covers all the Common Core Standards effectively, and with the online version, we always have up-to-date materials. The lessons are so easy to teach and very intuitive. All the resources are at your fingertips, so there is no need to search for materials to supplement the lessons. Our students enjoy writing each day, and their skills have improved dramatically!”
~Greg Potter, 5th grade teacher (California)

“Our teachers are very excited about the WriteSteps program! It is completely aligned to the common core, so they are learning about the new expectations in the process. It is the first time I have heard our teachers excited about writing. They LOVE it!!”
~Melissa Koenig, Principal/Director of Elementary Instruction (Michigan)

“I love the Captivator videos! Writing is probably the subject that makes me most uneasy teaching, so it is great to have an extra resource. I am able to play the videos for my students, then stop and add details or clarify things as I feel necessary. The videos are the perfect length. They give [students] the information they need to be successful without being boring. The students seem to really enjoy them and have shown that they can apply what they learn.”
~Annika Johnson, 4th grade teacher (Washington)

“Our teachers are so happy with everything so far. They are seeing growth they cannot believe. One first grade teacher says she has seen more growth in the last month than she saw last year overall. Wow!”
~Piper Bognar, Elementary Turnaround Director (Michigan)

“I started “Captivation Station” two days ago. I didn’t think WriteSteps could get any better. Let me tell you, this program is WONDERFUL for so many reasons. Once I set my students up, I had them do a lesson. They all had their headphones on, journals out, and followed along with the writing coach. I was able to work with so many of my kids one on one! I assisted those students that needed that extra push to keep on writing. We also have students that leave for services. I just sent the Chromebook with them and told them which lesson to do! I also had a student make up a lesson today. It gives me so much freedom as a teacher to differentiate the lessons to meet the needs of every single student! This program is a must have!”
~Kristen Mullen, 3rd grade teacher (Pennsylvania)

“The thing that I found most helpful about the program is that it creates organized thinkers… It transfers across the content areas, and the students are able to take that knowledge and use it when they’re organizing writing for social studies or science.”
~Jasmine Crout-Jackson, 5th grade teacher (Michigan)

“Captivators are very helpful for pacing and for requiring application of each lesson’s focus skills. I have struggled with getting everything in every day, but this has helped me get the focus of the lesson in a more timely manner.”
~Jeannie Cox, 4th grade teacher (Missouri)

“The more I work with your materials, the more excited I get! Again, thank you for all of your assistance. I wish you could see the enthusiasm in my writing class!”
~Kay Reppen, 5th grade teacher (Wisconsin)

“I’m excited about having the web-based, core-standard curriculum because they’ll be able to use it with the advanced technology we have here at the school.”
~Dr. Paul Merritt, Principal (Michigan)

“I just wanted to tell you THANK YOU for your support during our professional development session and for providing a framework for the remainder of the year…When we are finished, I would love to share some of my students’ writing with you.”
~Deanna Hull, 4th grade teacher, to WriteSteps coach (Oregon)

“With all the demands on teachers’ time, it’s great to have a program like WriteSteps that is completely compliant with state standards, so that they are teaching students what they need to be teaching them at each grade level.”
~David Meloche, Instructional Coach (Michigan)

“I know I’ve said it before, but the customer service with WriteSteps is amazing! I know I can always count on you guys to get back to me right away which means so much.”
~Missy Woods, K-8 Literacy Coach (Michigan)

“Thank you so much for responding to my e-mail right away! I am very pleased with the Write Steps Writing program! What makes it so great is that our students remember certain concepts that we established last year-already! Woohoo!”
~Jennifer Sestak, Teacher of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing (2nd/4th grade) (Texas)

  • Piper Bognar
  • Assistant Superintendant
  • Office of Curriculum and Instruction
  • Van Dyke Public Schools
  • 566-758-8341

  • Emily Graham
  • Elementary Turnaround Director
  • Van Dyke Public Schools
  • 586-427-3611

  • Amanda Kitterman-Miller
  • Curriculum Coordinator
  • Saginaw City Schools
  • 989.399.6594

  • Nancy Tuckey
  • Retired Assistant Superintendent and Director of Special Education
  • Jackson Public Schools
  • 517.581.3076

  • Melissa Woods
  • K-8 Literacy Coach
  • Beaverton Rural Schools
  • 989.246.3020 ext. 3777

  • Dr. Michelle Hofmann
  • Director of Elementary Education, EC-6th grade
  • Raymore-Peculiar MO
  • 816-892-1346

  • Annie Johnson
  • Instructional Coach
  • Braxton County Board of Education
  • Braxton County, WV
  • 304-765-7101 Ext. 3256

  • Angie Gentry
  • Principal
  • Arcola Elementary School
  • 351 W. Washington
  • Arcola, IL 61910
  • 217-268-4961

  • Emil Carafa
  • Principal
  • Washington School
  • and NAESP National Distinguished Principal of the Year
  • Lodi, NJ
  • 973-777-8513
