Free Common Core Word Banks and the Importance of Common Language

March 2013 e-Newsletter

K-5 Common Core Word Banks: Opinion, Argument, and Persuasive Writing

Animated Video! Teachers Love WriteSteps

Meet our Office Manager, Cheryl Daniel!

March Conferences
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
~Winston Churchill

K-5 Common Core Word Banks
Why should teachers use the same common terms? Common terms not only help students retain learning and understanding from year to year and teacher to teacher, they also help teachers build upon their students’ prior knowledge.

These K-5 Common Core word banks are a great reference for teachers. They highlight the important words and phrases used in the Common Core State Standards for writing. Teachers can use the word banks as a reference with planning materials, display them in their classrooms, or pass them out to parents who are interested in learning about the Common Core.

K-3 Common Core Word Bank

What’s the Difference between Opinion, Argument, and Persuasive Writing?
I have heard teachers use the terms argument writing and persuasive writing synonymously with the Common Core K-5 writing term, opinion writing. There is a difference between the terms opinion writing, argument writing, and persuasive writing. Opinion writing is taught in grades K-5 and is a precursor to argument writing. WriteSteps introduces opinion writing in kindergarten by asking students to write about their favorite food, favorite season, or favorite animal, etc. Beginning in second grade, students are asked to elaborate and provide reasons behind their opinions. An example of this can be seen below:
Many professional athletes make more money in one year than teachers make in their entire career. What is your opinion on this issue? Write five paragraphs that state your position and support it with convincing reasons. Be sure to explain your reasons in detail.
Argument writing occurs in grades 6-12, where an older student will support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. Argument writing is an attempt to prove or disprove a thesis using evidence and reasoning. Both sides of an issue are developed in an argument writing piece.

The term, persuasive writing, is not used in the Common Core State Standards. Persuasive writing is used to convince the reader to change their opinion and provoke an action based on what the author writes.

4th and 5th grade Common Core Word Bank

It is important that teachers are using the same common language before the Common Core writing standards are fully implemented to avoid confusion and provide consistency for students as they progress through the grades. Since teachers are using terms students are familiar with, they do not have to spend time during the beginning of the school year with explanations and definitions. Teachers are able to build upon the knowledge that students come to them with.

Watch our New Animated Video!
We know teaching writing can sometimes be a challenge. And when you’re not inspired, neither are your students! Our new animated video highlights the benefits of using eWritesteps: it saves time and makes teaching writing and grammar easier. Check it out!

Teachers Love WritingCity

eWritesteps reflects our commitment to a better, greener environment and our interest in improving teaching and learning through technology. WriteSteps is discovering new technological development opportunities with eWriteSteps, so you can stay up-to-date with the latest teaching methods available!

Check us out on Pinterest!
Are you addicted to Pinterest? At WriteSteps, we are hooked! If you are a visual learner looking for inspiration on the Common Core, check out our Pinterest page! We have boards on a range of topics including Free Common Core Writing Lessons, Common Core Topics, Humor, Gem’s for Readers, Writers, and Teachers, Writing Prompts, Writing across the Curriculum, This We Believe, and many more!

There is a lot that inspires us on Pinterest. This pin is one example of what can be found on our Pinterest boards!

Meet our Office Manager, Cheryl Daniel!
Cheryl Daniel has a pivotal role assisting WriteSteps’ customers with purchase orders, invoicing, and payments. Cheryl is WriteSteps’ go-to person for any billing related inquiries and helps customers through the entire purchasing process. If you have a question, Cheryl will be able to answer it, or direct you to the appropriate person who can!

Cheryl has a background in customer service and says the reason she joined WriteSteps is because she appreciates that the “WriteSteps team truly does think like their customers and is there for them all the time. WriteSteps believes in supporting teachers.”

Office Manager Cheryl Daniel, with her husband Larry

Outside of work, Cheryl enjoys spending time with her large, extended family. During the summer months she can be found floating in the bay in front of her home or tending to her gardens.

March Conferences
If you are near Grand Rapids, Osage Beach, San Diego, or Chicago in March, stop by the WriteSteps exhibit at one of these conferences to get all of your Common Core writing questions answered! While there, you can sign up for a free trial to eWriteSteps, which automatically enters you into a drawing to win a new iPad!

March 9, 2013, Grand Rapids, MI Denise Dusseau, WriteSteps Curriculum Creator, will present “7 Keys for Common Core Success” at the Michigan Reading Association’s Annual Conference. After you watch Denise’s presentation, stop by the WriteSteps exhibit and meet Terry Gates, our national awareness director, to learn more about our writing and grammar program.

March 9, 2013, Osage Beach, MO Don’t miss your chance to learn what you need to know about the Common Core with WriteSteps National Presenter, Kim Gates, at the Missouri Association of Elementary School Principals Spring Conference. Meet Awareness Ambassador Ben Kutzs, who will be exhibiting at the WriteSteps booth during the conference- you’ll be glad you did!

March 11-14, 2013, San Diego, CA Check out “7 Keys to Common Core Success”, presented by WriteSteps Curriculum Creator, Denise Dusseau, at the 20th Annual California Charter School Association’s Conference in San Diego, CA. Denise, a veteran teacher and adjunct professor, can answer any Common Core writing questions you have!

March 16-18, Chicago, IL WriteSteps will exhibit at the ASCD 68th Annual Conference & Exhibit Show in Chicago, IL. Terry Gates, WriteSteps National Awareness Director, and Kim Gates, WriteSteps National Presenter, will be there to answer any of your questions!

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”
~Henry Brooke Adams
