4 Tools in 5 Minutes: Launch a Writing Initiative in Your School

April 2014 eNewsletter

4 Essential Tools in 5 Minutes

TeacherStar Exclusive: Heidi and Natalie Share their Experience!

Freebie: The Beautiful Part of Writing Poster

Ed Rock Joins the WriteSteps Team!

Cute Puppy Alert!

Upcoming Conferences
“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.”
~B.B. King

WriteSteps2Succeed: 4 Essential Tools to Launch a Writing Initiative at Your School
Strong writing skills are necessary for students to succeed across all areas of Common Core testing, and for college and career readiness.

If you’re worried about missing the mark when it comes time for the Smarter Balanced and PARCC tests, as well as preparing your students for a lifetime of confident writing, we recommend implementing a writing initiative at your school to build strong writers. We call it WriteSteps2Succeed.

Tool #1: Evaluate Current Writing Practices
Tool #2: Determine Needs and Define Goals
Tool #3: Implementation-Time on Task
Tool #4: Monitor

The WriteSteps2Succeed 26-page packet includes:
  • A principal self assessment checklist to help you evaluate current writing practices (Tool #1)
  • A teacher self reflection (Tool #1)
  • A writing program evaluation chart to determine your needs (Tool #2)
  • A writing instruction goal chart (Tool #2)
  • ASCD Recommended Minutes of Instruction (Tool #3)
  • An Administrator Walk-Thru Checklist (Tool #4)
Once you watch the video and download the packet, you’ll be armed with a new awareness of how to support your teachers in the areas of writing instruction. The WriteSteps2Succeed writing initiative will shape success for all students!

TeacherStar Exclusive: Heidi and Natalie Share their Experience!

Are you thinking about participating in our TeacherStar initiative, but have some hesitation? In this interview, Suzanne Klein speaks with Heidi and Natalie, two Ohio-based teachers who have participated. Watch the video to hear what they have to say about their experience!

It’s not too late to participate in our Teacher Star initiative and earn $200.00. Don’t forget we’re offering to send a videographer out to video tape you! For further information you can contact our TeacherStar Coordinator, Emily, at [email protected].

WriteSteps Freebie: The Beautiful Part of Writing Classroom Poster
This poster says it all. No matter what you write, you can always improve and revamp it. I love seeing the stages a writing piece goes through, from beginning to end. It’s truly a journey! Share this with your students!
Ed Rock Joins WriteSteps!
Ed Rock recently joined WriteSteps in February 2014 as an Awareness Ambassador, covering the Eastern half of Massachusetts and Northeastern Rhode Island.

Ed’s longtime educational publishing experience is a valued asset to the team. As for how he uses writing in his role, Ed says, “Clear, concise, compelling writing has been and is essential to my career success. I’ve learned that many different styles of writing are required for success in my industry.”

“I have also mentored countless younger professionals in the industry and have come to realize just how critically we all are judged by our writing competence,” explains Ed. “Good writing opens a world of career possibilities to students.”

Ed has a great love of the outdoors, particularly being on and in the water. He enjoys sailing, scuba diving and the occasional golf outing.

New Arrivals! Cute Puppy Alert!
Not only is WriteSteps welcoming members to our team, but our team members are also welcoming new additions to their “teams” too!

Sonja, our Conference Coordinator, and her family, welcome Ozzy (named after the lead singer of Black Sabbath), a 12 week old German Shepherd/Lab mix. He became their family member at the tender age of 7 weeks and has been keeping the entire family busy since then.

“My boys have been asking for a dog for many years and we got him a few days before Nick’s 14th birthday,” explained Sonja. “You should have seen his face. He couldn’t believe after so many years of begging for a dog it finally happened. It was pretty awesome.”

By the way, Sonja is now surrounded by four males…her husband, two sons and Ozzy!

Coming to a Conference Near You!
May 10-12, New Orleans, LA
Kim and Terry Gates will be representing WriteSteps at booth #2353 during the International Reading Conference at the Ernest M. Morial Convention Center. Since reading and writing are so closely related, it’s important you stop by our booth to learn how we provide students and K-5 educators with all of the tools they need to become effective writers and teachers in the 21st century.

May 16, Orlando, FL
WriteSteps is heading back to Orlando for the Council of Language Arts Supervisors of Florida Conference, located at the Renaissance Airport Hotel Orlando. Looking forward to seeing your smiling faces there!

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
