Captivation Station

captivation station

Revolutionize writing and grammar instruction for your students!

CaptivationStation helps classrooms harness the power of blended learning. This standards-based writing and grammar platform provides 3rd-5th grade students with everything they need to become stronger writers.

With CaptivationStation, students will be able to:

  • log in to their personal homepage for more engagement and ownership in the writing process (single sign-on for Google users).
  • Captivators Sample
  • watch daily, standards-based, instructional videos called Captivators.
  • control their own pace with the Captivator videos and writing practice; students work harder and are more motivated when they realize the impact they have on their own progress.
  • complete the lessons anytime, anywhere, on any device, making it easy for an absent student to catch up on missed learning.
  • access the visual aids for each lesson in separate tabs, allowing students to cross-reference material when needed.
  • read and listen to daily audio instructions, which helps all kinds of learners, including ELL and Special Education students.
  • write digitally with easy-to-use tools, which prepares them for online writing assessments.
  • choose from thousands of visual writing prompts across all genres, providing opportunities for choice, which motivates writers.
  • read and listen to teacher feedback and apply it to develop their writing skills.
  • read and comment on writing from their peers locally or around the globe, practicing positive digital citizenship in a safe environment with privacy setting options.
  • join writing groups based on individual interest, which encourages students to practice authentic writing.

With CaptivationStation, teachers will be able to:

  • decide whether Captivators are viewed in whole group, small group, or individually, for flexibility of different teaching styles and to work with the technology available in each classroom.
  • decrease classroom management problems with engaging instructional videos and step-by-step independent practice that motivates even the most reluctant writers.
  • spend more time in individual and small group conferences, while students are independently receiving their instruction through the Captivators videos and online writing practice.
  • save time and help students develop their writing skills by providing typed or recorded audio feedback.
  • monitor student progress and data through dashboards, providing information to personalize and differentiate instruction to better meet the needs of each student.
  • collect and share student writing and progress data with administrators and parents, making it easy to measure and evaluate outcomes.
  • flip their classroom by assigning Captivators as homework so students come ready to write.
  • when absent, have confidence that writing and grammar instruction is taking place because a substitute can show Captivators to introduce new content.

With CaptivationStation, schools and districts will be able to:

  • set privacy and moderation permissions, ensuring the safety and privacy of all students.
  • share student accounts for co-teaching with another user in the district, allowing multiple educators to interact with a student and their work, for easier accessibility and increased accountability.
  • use the Student Transfer Tool, allowing the student’s writing portfolio to travel with them each school year and between teachers, to inform and influence instruction.
  • re-assign teacher and student accounts, making it easy to accommodate enrollment and staffing changes that occur throughout the year.
  • review analytics about writing engagement across students, classes, and grades, helping districts monitor implementation fidelity.
